Payment Method
We accept credit-card or PayPal payments only at this moment.
Shipping & Returns
We are happy to ship our products to any destinations worldwide! Please allow up to 7 days to process your order. Domestic orders generally take 2-5 business days. International orders can take up to approximately 2 weeks to be delivered. All orders ship out of our studio in Kanagawa, Japan with a shipped confirmation email being sent once your order is placed. Please note that we do accept returns or exchanges only for defective items or items that you didn’t order. If you wish to return or exchange an item, please contact us within 7 days of receiving your order by email at [email protected]. Please check Shipping and Returns for more details.
国内、海外共に発送を承ります。通常、ご注文を受けた日から7日以内に発送いたします。国内発送は通常2-5日、海外発送は2週間程度かかります。 配送料は日本国内一律 200円、海外一律 700円です。詳しくは、Shipping and Returns をご覧ください。
Your personal information is confidential. We'd like to assure that your information is used only for internal processes to manage your order.
このサイトに関するお問い合わせや、オンラインショップのご注文等に応じるために、個人情報をお問合せフォームおよびショッピングカート 注文フォームに入力して頂いております。この個人情報は問合せ/お支払い等を受け付けることのみを目的として収集するものであり、他の目的に使用したり、第三者に提供・開示することはありません。
Licensing & Copyright
All of the content on this site, including but not limited to photographs, card designs, graphics, are the exclusive property of Sunny and Birdy and can not be distributed, downloaded, modified, published or reproduced without our prior written approval or appropriate credit.
このサイト内のコンテンツ(写真、各商品イラスト及びアートワーク)の著作権は全てSunny and Birdyに帰属します。 事前の個別契約などにより利用条件が定められた場合以外は、無断でコンテンツを複製、転載、編集、頒布、販売など行なうことはできません。
We are making every effort to display the colors and textures of our products that appear at the store as accurately as possible. However please understand that actual colors or textures may look slightly different due to the nature of the products, also based on your computer monitor’s display.
商品の色やテクスチャーについてはできる限り正確に掲載するよう努めておりますが、商品の性質やお客様のお使いのモニタにより、 実際の商品と多少の差異が出る場合がございますのでご了承ください。
Customer Assistance
If you have any questions about our products, or need assistance with your order, we're happy to help you. Please send us an email via contact page or at [email protected], and we'll respond as soon as possible. We are available to answer questions and process orders Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm JST. Sunny and Birdy is closed on all public holidays.
営業時間は月曜日-金曜日 9時から18時となります。お問い合わせはコンタクトページよりお願いいたします。
Terms & Conditions
This website is owned and operated by Sunny and Birdy. In using this site,, you agree to, and accept, the terms and conditions shown above. Terms and conditions may change at any time without prior notice. We encourage you to review these policies, terms and conditions when you use this site. Thank you for your understanding! Please check Terms and Conditions for more details.
このサイトはSunny and Birdyにより運営されています。詳しい規約については、特定商取引法に関する表記 をご参照ください